The SDGs in Spain


The SDGs in Spain


Spain is firmly committed to the vision, spirit and implementation of the Agenda, with the desire to make the SDGs a reality, and this is what Spanish citizens, their civil society, many companies, universities, unions, autonomous regions and local governments are showing.

The current government has created a High Commissioner for the 2030 Agenda, reporting directly to the Prime Minister and a High Commissioner for Child Poverty. The Ministry of Environmental Transition has been created, bringing together the powers of energy and environment and climate change.

Spain has developed an Action Plan immediately promotes new policies, measures, governance and working methods and will lead, as one of its main results, to the adoption of a 2020-2030 Sustainable Development Strategy, which represents a widely shared country project with a vision of state. A strategy whose preparation, deliberation and negotiation must start immediately and that must necessarily be approached in a participatory and calm manner in the coming months.

A Spain that has achieved the SDGs in 2030 will be the country we all dream of. Therefore, the 2030 Agenda is already at the centre of the vision of the State and the action by the Government. It represents a way of acting in the world. To reach the goals of each Goal, EVERYONE has to play their part: governments, the private sector, civil society and people like YOU.