With the environment

The planet that unites us

In SELAE we are aware that we are facing today the most important challenge we have ever had in our history: climate change.

Although the environmental impact of our activity is low, SELAE is committed to minimising it. Therefore, we have spent years implementing sustainable measures in everything we do, in our processes and services, in the paper of the tickets, tenths or receipts. Also in transport, in our communications, and in our relationships with our suppliers and customers, so that together we can put all this effort back into society, as we have been doing for more than two centuries.

 SELAE bets on energy efficiency

Investing in "green" IT technology solutions to optimise energy consumption and responsibility in order to reduce our ecological footprint.

Our role against climate change

Adoptamos medidas para mejorar la eficiencia en el uso de materias primas.

  • We take measures to improve efficiency in the use of raw materials.
  • One of the most important consumables in our activity is the paper used for tickets, tenths and receipts. One of the sustainable measures implemented for some time now is that the paper used in our activity has the FSC and PEFC seal (100% of the thermal paper of the receipts purchased from suppliers has these certificates and comes from sustainable forests). Our suppliers are ISO 14001 certified.
  • In addition, we have gone a step further by creating "LoteriasPRO", an APP available to customers to predict their bets on any of our products without the need to use tickets. 
  • We are implementing services and products that enable the reduction of paper and emissions such as: centralisation of printing systems, digitisation of data capture and automation of workflows.
We reduce the CO2 emissions

Committed to the objective of reducing our emissions through continuous improvement and analysis of the environmental impacts generated by the activity.

  • We manage our Carbon Footprint. 
  • We promote sustainable mobility, incorporating more environmentally sustainable vehicles into our fleet.
  • Fomentamos las buenas practicas en responsabilidad ambiental, habilitando plazas de carga para coches eléctricos y bicicletas de empleados.
  • We promote public transport, with SELAE covering the cost of the transport pass.
  • We use freecoling technology in the Data Processing Centre.


Waste management
  • We manage the waste derived from our activity in an efficient and optimal way.
  • In the case of electrical and electronic equipment, through authorised waste managers.
  • We also promote the internal recycling of paper.


Awareness actions
      • SELAE supports the dissemination and visibility of the Fight Against Climate Change and Habitat Protection.
      • It is everyone's common task to protect the environment and to contribute to the development of the 2030 Agenda Goals related to this cause.
      • We use the image included in our tenths as institutional support to promote and raise awareness of sustainable use.


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